CR Herald Biweekly Update — — Aug 12nd

CR Herald
10 min readAug 17, 2020


The bi-weekly newspaper will continue to bring you the recent news of Elastos community. Enjoy your reading. 👇

Elastos, as an operating system (OS) designed by the Modern Internet, takes the blockchain as the trusted foundation and uses various technical components and unique system architecture of Elastos as the underlying infrastructure to operate in a way different from the traditional Internet infrastructure.

With the continuous development of the Modern Internet of Elastos, its infrastructure and technical components have seen increasingly abundant contents. In this regard, CR Biweekly regularly collects important data and community trends from mainstream platforms, in a bid to shed light upon the all-around development of Elastos.

· Important data tracking

Important data of Elastos shown in this article include: code update data, market value ranking data, joint mining data, DPoS supernode and other data.

● Elastos Coincodecap platform code data

As a vital embodiment of the value of the blockchain project, code data has always been paid great attention to by the blockchain community. In the code ranking part, the ranking of Coincodecap was captured.

Coincodecap is a data website that specializes in tracking GitHub updates of blockchain projects. It has tracked over 700 projects by capturing GitHub data and is authoritative for technical updates such as blockchain project codes. Among the major platforms for blockchain project code rating, the activity of Elastos code is continuously updated. In Coincodecap’s annual activity ranking, Elastos ranks 13th and Elastos code ranks 15th.

● As the world’s largest encrypted data website, Elastos CMC platform data CoinMarketCap is a crucial link in the encrypted currency ecology. The price, market value, circulation and other data it provides are widely referenced by investors and are channels for investors to understand real-time market information such as blockchain projects.

According to CMC data, ELA ranked 140th in the CMC’s market value ranking in August, with a circulation of 18,391,200 ELA and a circulation market value of $57,927,873 USD.


Elastos GitHub platform code data

GitHub, as the world’s largest open source code hosting platform, is an important reference basis for open source project code development. Elastos has many code bases on GitHub. Among them, there are a great many of substantial code achievements on the main chain, side chain, Trinity, Carrier, wallet and other code bases of Elastos Project. Many different types of SDK codes provide call methods and authentication methods for different programming languages, and offer rich materials and abundant development tools for the developer community.

Currently, Elastos GitHub database contains a total of more than 100 subproject code bases for community members and developers to view GitHub database, carry out retrieval and view code updates. According to the collation of the developer community, this article presents the daily active code statistics library for the vast number of developers and third-party organizations. The address base contains 22 daily active code bases since Elastos Github was established in 2018. The address of Elastos GitHub’s daily active code statistic library is:

Meanwhile, according to the relevant code activity statistical tools provided by the developer community, the update and code activity of Elastos Github codes can be obtained through the statistical tools to retrieve statistical database data.

According to the captured statistical database data, the monthly active data is shown in the figure:

Code Active Data from July 11 to August 11

Total submission


Total modification


Total addition


Total deletion



ELA merged mining hash power
ELA merged mining, as a crucial component of AuxPOW+DPoS, an Elastos hybrid consensus mechanism, has greatly guaranteed the security of Elastos’s main network by borrowing bitcoin’s powerful hash power. Besides, major mining pools show their support for Elastos and join ELA merged mining in succession. In this way, the main network of Elastos will get stronger and stronger. Data show that the highest peak value of the main network hash power of Elastos is about 65.65% of the total network hash power of BTC.


DPOS online voting proportion
DPOS Super Node, as one of the three consensuses of Elastos, represents that all members of the global Elastos community can serve as guardians of the blockchain network, providing computing and verification for Elastos network. Besides, it has fully mobilized the activity of Elastos community and the enthusiasm of members to participate. According to ELA Wallet data, a total of 88 supernodes participated in the statistical summary, with the node voting accounting for 16.54% of the total.

Source: ELA Wallet

· Community Highlights ·

Chinese community

· Community Updates ·

● On August 2, Mr.Tyro lee was invited to the activity of “ELA Talk — CR Committee Members” to share his experience as a committee member and his views on the future development of CR.

● On August 5, Mr. Ben Lee, director of Elastos Foundation, was invited to the conference organized by IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Committee of Blockchain and Distributed Accounting Standards for development of international blockchain standards, during which he was elected as the Vice-Chairman of the Technical Working Group of the digital identity system framework. Elastos, together with institutions and enterprises such as the IEEE Standards Association and Huobi Research Institute, discussed in-depth about the technical standards for the framework of blockchain digital identity system, so as to promote the standardization and development of technologies related to blockchain-based decentralized identity systems.

In the development of international standards for blockchain, the presence of Chinese blockchain systems including Elastos DID independently developed by Elastos allows the “Voice of China” to be heard loud and clear. DID solutions based on Elastos ID sidechain, which meet the requirements of W3C DID specification and have capabilities such as self-declaration, self-control, tamper-proofing as well as safe, verifiable full-time ID management, have been widely adopted in the Elastos ecosystem.

● On August 7, “2020 Cointelegraph Chinese Greater Bay·International Blockchain Week” was held in Shenzhen. During the event, Mr. Han Feng, Elastos co-founder, stated in the roundtable forum entitled “How to Seize the New Commercial Opportunities of Filecoin” that it’s Elastos’ vision to create a new modern Internet.

He believes that the starting point of everything is to protect everyone’s data, privacy and property rights on the Internet. And as the data grows, decentralized storage is bound to bring about a bull market of the cryptocurrency, because only decentralized storage can ensure the protection of people’s data and the future of the Internet lies in allowing everyone to create wealth through their data. Although the cost of decentralized storage is higher than that of centralized storage, it will ultimately bring more benefits to every user.

● On August 7, Brian Xin from ElastosDMA was invited to the activity of “ELA Talk — CR Committee Members” to share his ideas and experience with CR.

●On August 10th, Mr. Han Feng, Elastos co-founder, visited StorSwift, the №1 technical service provider for Fileccoin Testnet.

Shanghai StorSwift Information Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading company in the distributed storage industry. Its core team consists of members from professional storage companies headquartered in Silicon Valley, USA, who have more than ten years of experience in management, R&D and marketing in relevant fields. StorSwift possesses core technical capabilities in hardware and software solutions for high-performance storage, distributed storage cluster management and underlying I/O optimization. Especially in the fields of RDMA acceleration, large-scale storage cluster management and IPFS/Filecoin-based optimization solutions, it has significant technical advantages over other companies in the industry.

At present, by topping several Filecoin tests in multiple indicators, StorSwift firmly occupies the leading position in Filecoin R&D and O&M technologies.

● Mr. Chen Rong, the founder of Elastos, shared his views through “Five Key Points to a Modern Internet”

● On August 11, Mr. Han Feng, co-founder of Elastos, participated in the “POW’ER 2020 Technology and Application Summit” hosted by Mars Finance in Shanghai. In the face to face group talk themed on “New Opportunities for Blockchain Developers”, he and other guests discussed in detail on industry topics.

Mr. Han Feng stated that the emergence of blockchain has reduced the cost of credit construction. It allows us to achieve credit endorsement which in the time before was a field exclusive to large organizations such as banks and Alibaba. The change from traditional Internet to the digital economy should be a smooth transition rather than a subversive reform.

● Elastos Chinese Community has launched its third anniversary event which includes activities such as collection of themes/concepts for the annual meeting, community nomination, ELA donation etc. Among them, the community nomination is still in progress.

English community
● has carried out a new round of interface optimization and upgrade on its website.

● Chainlink Paris node @ The ulcanlink team has integrated Chainlink with the Elastos ETH sidechain. Elastos has run tests of deploying related contracts (LinkToken.sol, Oracle.sol, Aggregator.sol, current trigger interval: 10 minutes) through Chainlink nodes and has obtained Coinmarketcap and Coinapi data from the test runs.

For details of related progress, click 👇:

●Elastos’s Elephant Wallet team has reached a strategic cooperation with StorSwift, the №1 technical service provider for Filecoin. The two parties jointly discussed how to integrate Elastos Hive’s decentralized storage technology and Filecoin’s data storage technology into the Elastos ecosystem. StorSwift also plans to use Elephant Wallet as the preferred wallet for FIL tokens, the purpose of which is to explore the synergy between ELA and FIL and opportunities for further integration of the two technologies.

● Elastos’s Elephant Wallet team released the “ELA Messenger” & “Chat & Pay” App, which supports sending social messages and ELA at the same time. For more information, please click:

●Assist dApp v1.0.0 has been updated with new features including: Notification service, Total DID requests, Remaining DID requests, “New statistics” tab and introductory tutorials etc.

· CR Proposal·Updates
The first CR Co-governance Committee has been established. After a year of meticulous preparations, with the joint efforts of the entire community, Elastos is now implementing autonomous community management and advancing to mainnet 3.0: “Arcadia”.

Many new proposals have been made in the past two weeks, among some are some hot topics explained in detail below:

Latest proposasl:

#40 Proposal for holding the “DecentralHacks” hackathon in India

#42 Proposal on establishing incentives for business development

Detailed introduction:

#40 Proposal for holding the “DecentralHacks” hackathon in India

Proposer: Anupam Varshney

Likes: 🌟*11

Description: As a hackathon organized by the community, DecentralHacks requires its participants to develop blockchain-based solutions with social welfare benefits (especially in healthcare, financial technology, education, etc.). Open to all developers, the hackathon is designed to explore the potential of various blockchain platforms and decentralized technologies. Current status: Announced

#40 Proposal on establishing incentives for business development

Proposer: David Ramskill

Likes: 🌟*14


The proposal attempts to address some of the issues by communicating with anyone who can play a facilitating role and introducing incentive “intermediary fees”.

By making use of personal connections, people who do not have the skills required for Elastos ecological development can also bring valuable talents and companies to the Elastos ecosystem including marketing talents, sales staff, software developers and experts in leadership development, economics and other fields.

The introduction of these companies or individuals into CR will help achieve business consensus.

Current status: In discussion

The above proposals are still in the phase of heated discussion. If you have any opinion on the matter, feel free to post it on the CR webpage👇

· Application overview ·
● As the first commercial application based on the Elastos Ethereum sidechain, CryptoName became a popular application in the community immediately after its release and has been constantly setting records in the number of registered users. Recently, ELA Messenger — a chat app that uses CryptoName- has also been officially launched.



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