CR Herald Biweekly Update — — Oct 9th

CR Herald
6 min readOct 23, 2020


The bi-weekly newspaper will continue to bring you the recent news of Elastos community. Enjoy your reading. 👇

Elastos, as an operating system (OS) designed by the Modern Internet, takes the blockchain as the trusted foundation and uses various technical components and unique system architecture of Elastos as the underlying infrastructure to operate in a way different from the traditional Internet infrastructure.

With the continuous development of the Modern Internet of Elastos, its infrastructure and technical components have seen increasingly abundant contents. In this regard, CR Biweekly regularly collects important data and community trends from mainstream platforms, in a bid to shed light upon the all-around development of Elastos.

· Important data tracking

Important data of Elastos shown in this article include: code update data, market value ranking data, joint mining data, DPoS supernode and other data.

● Elastos Coincodecap platform code data

As a vital embodiment of the value of the blockchain project, code data has always been paid great attention to by the blockchain community. In the code ranking part, the ranking of Coincodecap was captured.

Coincodecap is a data website that specializes in tracking GitHub updates of blockchain projects. It has tracked over 700 projects by capturing GitHub data and is authoritative for technical updates such as blockchain project codes. Among the major platforms for blockchain project code rating, the activity of Elastos code is continuously updated. In Coincodecap’s annual activity ranking, Elastos ranks 15th and Elastos code ranks 16th.

● As the world’s largest encrypted data website, Elastos CMC platform data CoinMarketCap is a crucial link in the encrypted currency ecology. The price, market value, circulation and other data it provides are widely referenced by investors and are channels for investors to understand real-time market information such as blockchain projects.

According to CMC data, ELA ranked 184th in the CMC’s market value ranking in August, with a circulation of 17,244,540 ELA and a circulation market value of $29,247,947 USD.


Elastos GitHub platform code data

GitHub, as the world’s largest open source code hosting platform, is an important reference basis for open source project code development. Elastos has many code bases on GitHub. Among them, there are a great many of substantial code achievements on the main chain, side chain, Trinity, Carrier, wallet and other code bases of Elastos Project. Many different types of SDK codes provide call methods and authentication methods for different programming languages, and offer rich materials and abundant development tools for the developer community.

Currently, Elastos GitHub database contains a total of more than 100 subproject code bases for community members and developers to view GitHub database, carry out retrieval and view code updates. According to the collation of the developer community, this article presents the daily active code statistics library for the vast number of developers and third-party organizations. The address base contains 22 daily active code bases since Elastos Github was established in 2018. The address of Elastos GitHub’s daily active code statistic library is:

Meanwhile, according to the relevant code activity statistical tools provided by the developer community, the update and code activity of Elastos Github codes can be obtained through the statistical tools to retrieve statistical database data.

According to the captured statistical database data, the monthly active data is shown in the figure:

Code Active Data from September 9 to October 9

Total submission


Total modification


Total addition


Total deletion



ELA merged mining hash power
ELA merged mining, as a crucial component of AuxPoW+DPoS, an Elastos hybrid consensus mechanism, has greatly guaranteed the security of Elastos’s main network by borrowing bitcoin’s powerful hash power. Besides, major mining pools show their support for Elastos and join ELA merged mining in succession. In this way, the main network of Elastos will get stronger and stronger. Data show that the highest peak value of the main network hash power of Elastos is about 44.32% of the total network hash power of BTC.


· Community News·

Chinese Community

· CR Herald has officially opened its Feeds account and set up its own server. In the future, news and updates regarding Elastos community will also be released simultaneously at Feeds. With the gradual spread and popularity of decentralized applications, Feeds will also become a vital promotion channel for CR Herald to promote Elastos in the future. Meanwhile, via using and experiencing Feeds, CR Herald hopes to further understand the functions and concepts of Feeds since it is an important product of Elastos ecosystem. Thus, CR Herald could drive more members from the community to use Feeds and allow everyone to genuinely experience the changes and breakthroughs from decentralized applications. Welcome to follow us~

· On October 20, Han Feng, co-founder of Elastos, will attend 2020 Block Global Eco Summit and discuss the current industry hot topics with numerous guests.

English Community

· Clarence Liu and Chainlink conducted a live Q&A show to share the progress of Elastos’ integration project on Chainlink as well as the following roadmap.

· KP was being interviewed and he shared his views on “Ethereum’s Rising Gas Fee Hurts DeFi and the Ethereum Ecosystem”. Please click the following link for the full article:

· Ethereum sidechain will be running at elastOS soon and smart contracts will also be deployed directly in the app. Trinity Tech team published the following guide for developers:

· CR Proposal News ·

The latest proposal

#52 Proposal on Renewing Contract with the Marketing and PR Company

Detailed Content:

#52 Proposal on Renewing Contract with the Marketing and PR Company

Proposer: Alex Shipp

Number of Likes: 10

Summary: It is still the most concerned issue in our ecological development to promote Elastos become the mainstream crypto currency platform and gain active attentions from developers, potential users and end users.

Our community proposed that Elastos’ biggest advantage lies in its technology, whereas its weaknesses are in industry influence and hype ability. In this suggestion (Suggestion), we evaluated the impacts generated from the previous adopted suggestion (Suggestion 14), which sought for expanding Elastos market recognition by hiring PR company that has strong network and first-class client base. Through our evaluation, we have found the PR company performed well, thus we suggest to renew the contract.

Proposal status: in the progress

The above suggestion is still under discussion. If you have better ideas, please join CR website and leave your messages. Please click the following website for your suggestions:

· Ecological Application Announcement·

· Through efforts of the community team, Elastos Carrier team officially released WebRTC SDK. Currently, Elastos Carrier has released technical previews for Android and iOS of WebRTC SDK online.

· Together with Odin Cert, which belongs to Asgard, an Internet platform provider for integrated intellectual education solution, Elastos created an exclusive and efficient tool for teachers to register and deposit certificates of intellectual property right. The current deposit certificate chain adopts Elastos DID sidechain technology, and all data is recorded on the blockchain and connected with each teacher’s ID number. Through enabling smart education, blockchain technology has accomplished an innovative practice for launching projects under smart education scenario.



CR Herald

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